Lost effect
It was really smoothly animated, but the graphics ruined the experience.
Lost effect
It was really smoothly animated, but the graphics ruined the experience.
You can help by explaining how the graphics ruined the experience, because right now, I'm very confused.
very good fbf. Add more detail
But that takes longer to make.... :(
The NRA sucks
I agree the NRA sucks. Good flash
and spanish castle magic is a pretty good song.
exept for the GH version, what happend to teh lyrics.
Well anyway, thanks.
Shoop da whoop!
LOL. loved the shoop da whoop guy. Real funny movie.
If you had added more detail to random things like fire, and lazers. This has a chance at front page.
Probably not front page but maybe like a daily award? That would rock.
Something origanel and informative, with some good humor.
Thats a good flash man!
Yeah *_*. My class loved it.
phoenix wrong...no right... wait wrong...ARRGG
Personally I'm not one to like the fact you knocked off phonix wrong, but your flash ability is rather nice.
Knock off? You mean you think I stole the idea? It's a tribute... Phoenix Wrong style!
UU SC....?
This was really nice despite the fact I've never heard of either group.
thanks for the support. And you'll be hearing more from us in the future.
total brain trip!
Your aspect of insanity intriegs mr.
The graphics and animating were course yet solid.
Retarde friut is actully pretty good for this.
Awsome, heres a waffle for the five
Its not the drugs...I could really be out to get you. ...Or not :p
Age 31, Male
Twinky Hitman
Sector X
Joined on 11/14/05